Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What is Art?

What is Art? Who is an Artist? Click on the link (the title) to find out what a few animals have to say. This is great! I found this on the Art News Blog.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Let's Catch Up

Well, I have flunked blogging recently. While painting for an exhibit and juggling all it takes to be an artist and a business at the same time, I have not communicated very well what is going on with us. Seems like I get overloaded and in the future I must make more of a mental timeline to organize everything. Maybe in my case, a standard size paper trail might help me keep up and stop with all the post-a-notes!!! With that said, I am going to do better from this day forward. That is scary writing that right there, makes it oh so official, but it needs to improve soooo I just slapped my hand...moving right along then.

We have chosen a series about water, it started with the three, brightly, colored umbrellas with the ocean breaking behind it. We wanted to continue with a water theme in our next painting and liked a photo that explored the idea of diversity, comparison and blending and also depicts a little about our own story of three artists working alone and together to create one painting...more on this subject in another blog. Anyway, there is a simple, common thread for us and that is... we all love the ocean, lakes, whatever, we love water. The beach in our painting is in Southern California, Laguna Beach, to be exact. For anyone who has not been there, it city nestled in the hills which spills down to the edge of the coast full of creative juices from artists, galleries, Pageant of the Masters, art festivals, like the Sawdust Festival, Laguna Art Museum, fine restaurants, boutiques, surfers, beach volleyball, TV shows filmed there and many events all year round. It is a lively community and generally fun place with lots of choices. It holds a very special place in my heart since I used to live many years ago and was married there. Our water theme above comes from a very familiar place.

And yes, I promise to follow up with more paintings and would enjoy any of your comments or questions. I am encouraging everyone to sign up to receive our latest news and talk to us. Especially these days, we need a little more happiness, smiles and hope... art can do all that and more. So pass it on...