Friday, August 15, 2008

Hanging Out

This new painting has a young fan who named it...she saw it in a very clear and simple way. Maybe there is more than what is in front of the eye, could it be three different artists painting and seeing things differently? But wait, I see all kinds of colored grapes, but they are all just grapes. The vines that weave through the paintings might possibly be connecting it together in some way. I like stories that go along with paintings and gives a little peek into their internal secrets. Diversity is what makes things more interesting. You really can be creative in a collaborative setting when you honor and embrace diversity not fight it. Is it that all the grapes are hanging or hanging out together?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow you all have out done your selves. The pictures just get more and more beautiful!!!!!!!!!!! I love the idea of grapes of every color. Grapes are about communion with God and a meeting together of mankind. Color is a wonderful gift of God for which I am personally very grateful. Thankyou so much for letting us look though the eyes of artist!
Love Mom M